Cybertruck CCS1 x J1772 до Tesla(NACS) Адаптер швидкої зарядки для Tes

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Cybertruck CCS1 x J1772 до Tesla(NACS) Адаптер швидкої зарядки для Tesla Model 3/Y/S/X/Кібервантажівка


Free Shipping

Free standard shipping on order over 129 USD


Shipping is Free on all orders over 129 USD! Shop with confidence knowing you'll get your products in 6-12 days, depending on your location in the domestic US. International shipping times are typically between 6-12 days, but some products can take up to 1-2 weeks.

We ship internationally, the shipping times vary based on location. Shipping costs depend upon the location of where the package is being shipped. Canada takes longer based on the location of the products.

Discount Codes cannot be applied to purchases, post-purchase. The order will need to be canceled or a discount applied to a separate order. No exception.

Free Returns

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Returns Policy

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. Please see below for details of our return policy.

US Orders

If you'd like to return anything, simply contact us within 30 days and we'll take care of the return for you. Free return for return shipping if a product is returned because it is "broken, missing, or wrong." If the product is returned due to "bought wrong, I don't want it anymore", the customer shall bear the return shipping cost, and the actual shipping cost will be deducted from the refund. In either case, there is no restocking fee for returns. Please note, the outbound shipping cost is not refunded if there's nothing wrong with the item (if you received free shipping due to the order value or VIP tier, the actual shipping cost will be deducted from the refund).

We also know that sometimes you can't get around to trying stuff until after 30 days, or maybe you bought ahead of your Tesla being delivered. In that case, still reach out; we're flexible :-)

If the item is clearly used or missing anything, then a 25% restocking fee will be deducted from your refund; this is to cover the refurbishment of the product (if possible) so that it can be used for warranty stock.

International Orders

For international orders, we are also happy to accept returns, but as there's no automated way for us to generate a return label, the return shipping responsibility is yours. We recommend using a tracked method, normally your local postal carrier offers the cheapest option. Please contact us first to authorize the return and to obtain an RMA number. As above, we can refund your payment method if returned within 30 days, otherwise we will issue a store credit.

Single-Use Products

This is important. Some of the products we sell become used as soon as you remove the protective backing. We're still happy to help with achieving a great installation, but these items do become non-returnable once the backing is removed. Please be sure you're happy with the product and comfortable with the installation process before going ahead, as unfortunately we're not able to issue refunds for failed installations.

Старий адаптер CCS1 не підходить для Cybertruck. Наша оновлена версія має подовжену насадку, завдяки чому сумісний із Cybertruck, а також Tesla Model 3/Y/S/X.


  • Сторона автомобільного зарядного пристрою: NACS/Tesla
  • Сторона зарядного пристрою: J1772/CCS1

Технічні характеристики:

  • Вихід постійного струму: максимальна напруга 1000 В, максимальний струм 300 А
  • Вихід змінного струму: максимальна напруга 240 В, максимальний струм 80 А
  • Опір ізоляції: >500M2,DC1000V
  • Контактний імпеданс: 0,5 м Ом Макс
  • Вогнестійкий клас гумової оболонки: UL94V-0
  • Механічний ресурс: без навантаження, підключений: >10000
  • Водонепроникний клас: IP54 (сполучення)
  • Пластикова оболонка: термопластичний пластик
  • Провідник: мідний сплав, посріблена поверхня
  • Робоче середовище Температура: -30°C- +50°C
  • Підвищення кінцевої температури: <50K
  • Сила введення та витягування: <100 Н


  • Повна інтеграція: Вмикає Tesla Власники Cybertruck підключаються до зарядних станцій CCS1 (північноамериканський стандарт зарядки) для зручного та універсального заряджання.
  • Міцний дизайн: виготовлено з високоякісних матеріалів, що забезпечує довговічність і постійну продуктивність.
  • Легке підключення: Проста функція plug-and-play дозволяє легко та безпроблемно заряджати без додаткового обладнання.
  • Компактний і портативний: розроблений як легкий і компактний, що полегшує транспортування та зберігання в автомобілі.
  • Оптимізована зарядка: Забезпечує ефективну передачу електроенергії між CCS1 і Tesla(NACS), що забезпечує надійну та ефективну зарядку.

Поради щодо встановлення:

  • Тверде з'єднання: Забезпечте надійне та надійне з’єднання між адаптером і зарядним портом, щоб запобігти роз’єднанню під час заряджання.
  • Оптимальне розміщення: Розташуйте адаптер у зручному місці для легкого доступу та уникнення натягу на зарядний порт або кабель.
  • Регулярне технічне обслуговування: Періодично очищайте контакти адаптера, щоб підтримувати оптимальну провідність і запобігати проблемам із заряджанням. Перевірте адаптер на будь-які ознаки зносу або пошкодження та замініть, якщо необхідно.
  • Інноваційний і надійний: Відчуйте вершину інновацій у зарядці з Tesla Перехідний роз’єм зарядного адаптера Cybertruck. Покращуйте зарядку завдяки універсальності, безпеці та зручності в одному компактному та ефективному пристрої.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
William Fisher

Working fantastic

Brian Garhammer
Fits top !

Thanks its a good product. The price is correct 👍

Abraham Driedger
Charge rate

Only used once , and it worked just fine , thank you .

roland dumouchel
Good product quality


Perfect Fit

While I don't think all stations allows CTs to charge via CCS, I do know that this fits perfect and does work at an Electrify America charger. And it's cheaper than others I've seen on the market. Highly recommend if you might not have access to a Super Charger on a trip.

Shipping Policy

Shipping is Free on all orders over 129 USD! Shop with confidence knowing you'll get your products in 6-12 days, depending on your location in the domestic US. International shipping times are typically between 6-12 days, but some products can take up to 1-2 weeks.

We ship internationally, the shipping times vary based on location. Shipping costs depend upon the location of where the package is being shipped. Canada takes longer based on the location of the products.

Discount Codes cannot be applied to purchases, post-purchase. The order will need to be canceled or a discount applied to a separate order. No exception.

Returns Policy

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. Please see below for details of our return policy.

US Orders

If you'd like to return anything, simply contact us within 30 days and we'll take care of the return for you. We'll cover the return shipping, and as long as the item is returned in the same condition you received it, you'll receive a full refund. Please note, the outbound shipping cost is not refunded if there's nothing wrong with the item (if you received free shipping due to the order value or VIP tier, the actual shipping cost will be deducted from the refund).

We also know that sometimes you can't get around to trying stuff until after 30 days, or maybe you bought ahead of your Tesla being delivered. In that case, still reach out; we're flexible :-)

If the item is clearly used or missing anything, then a 25% restocking fee will be deducted from your refund; this is to cover the refurbishment of the product (if possible) so that it can be used for warranty stock.

International Orders

For international orders, we are also happy to accept returns, but as there's no automated way for us to generate a return label, the return shipping responsibility is yours. We recommend using a tracked method, normally your local postal carrier offers the cheapest option. Please contact us first to authorize the return and to obtain an RMA number. As above, we can refund your payment method if returned within 30 days, otherwise we will issue a store credit.

Single-Use Products

This is important. Some of the products we sell become used as soon as you remove the protective backing. We're still happy to help with achieving a great installation, but these items do become non-returnable once the backing is removed. Please be sure you're happy with the product and comfortable with the installation process before going ahead, as unfortunately we're not able to issue refunds for failed installations.

Cybertruck CCS1 x J1772 до Tesla(NACS) Адаптер швидкої зарядки для Tesla Model 3/Y/S/X/Кібервантажівка
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